My father had a brief stay in the hospital once (it turned out to be nothing serious).
Several of us were visiting and had gathered around him as he rested in his hospital bed. He and my young nephew were hungry so someone brought some burgers and fries. While eating my father offered my little nephew one of his fries. My nephew instinctively and gleefully took it and gobbled it up.
My nephew's father (my brother), alarmed at this, said to him:
“No No, don't take grandpa's food. You have your own." Even though he was just simply accepting a gift that was joyfully & freely offered to him. A few moments later, ignoring my brother's lecture, grandpa offers him another fry. This time my nephew raises his hand and waves it in objection and says "no, I can't take it". My brother beamed in pride at seeing this and there was a moment of admiration in the room about how kind and good my nephew is. But as I watched this unfold I knew my little innocent nephew wasn't truly BEING kind, he was following the orders he was given for how to behave. It wasn't coming from his heart's truth. He wanted the fry but learned in that moment how to act differently. This is how most of our human population is. We experience many moments like my nephew that shape us to act a certain way. With time we start to believe the act is who we are. We then expect and ask others to act accordingly too. Many are also like my brother, trying to raise a good child. Maybe even a good christian who believes in and follows god. They want their children to be a force of something good and an example of what they believe is right. Perhaps also wanting them to get to heaven someday. But in our programmed "good behavior", in our false humbleness and "niceness", we are far from our innate goodness, God is farthest from us in those times. Because God is what we are, when we are BEING what we are. I have been where my nephew is, trying to survive in this upside-down world. I have been the others in the room admiring "how sweet he is" and I have so often been my brother, passing down my belief & control patterns to vulnerable ones. But.... GOD was already there, saying YES to the french fry.
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Author: Leela Haris ~ Intuition
August 2024