What is the Dalian Method™ (DM) and how does it work?
The Dalian Method is an advanced step-by-step personal transformation process created to bypasses the linear mind and allow you to access your hidden limiting beliefs and emotions. Once accessed, these beliefs and emotions can be quickly released and transformed. This opens up new worlds of potential and energy to you.
The DM does this by working with your body's energy points (in eastern terms: chakras) while utilizing a gentle breathing process and verbal self-expression.
What are limiting beliefs and how do they form?
When we have an experience that triggers fear or pain, we may shut down internally. This shutting down which protects us to an extent at the time, represses the painful emotions and thoughts. Those repressed emotions and thoughts do not disappear and go away, they move into the background of our awareness. This background is a storage place, sometimes referred to as the subconscious or the unconscious. Additionally, it's not just thoughts and emotions, but also the conclusions we make from past challenging life experiences (Example: "Life is hard" "I'm not good enough").
The conclusions become limiting beliefs that shape and limit our life.
Imagine wearing dark shades and thinking that life is murky and difficult to navigate. You become so accustomed to the murkiness that you assume this is just how life is. Now imagine realizing that you have a choice and can take them off. When you take them off you can suddenly see clearly and experience an expansion of your being.
Our limiting beliefs have power over us only while they stay hidden.
We can become aware of them to an extent through introspection or with a trusted therapist for example. However if we only understand our limitations or self-sabotaging beliefs on an intellectual and psychological level, we may find ourselves unable to truly break free from them. To break free and experience a permanent shift in our being we must allow ourselves to explore beyond our linear thinking mind and into our body and energetic field. This is what the DM is designed to do and why it is so effective and powerful.
How do I know if I need to heal from a limiting belief?
A sign that it's time for a belief to be healed is when we are struggling with physical symptoms, mental & emotional symptoms, self-sabotaging behavior patterns, or troubling life events.
It's common for us to think that something in our life (job, relationship, difficult/negative people, money, etc.) is the cause of our stress and unhappiness or that we are somehow unlucky or at fault. But in fact these situations are opportunities for us to become aware of and break out of limitations so that we can expand our consciousness and move towards shining in our intuition and unique gifts.
What issues can the Dalian Method™ address?
Here are just a few: • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder • Depression and Anxiety • Reliance on Approval and Opinions of Others • Social Challenges/Anxiety • Mental Confusion • Self-Sabotaging Behaviors • Fearful or Negative Thought Patterns / Phobias • Physical and Emotional Trauma • Loss of a Loved One (through death or separation) • Physical Pain and Illness (Chronic and Acute) • Feeling Stuck or that Something Is Missing / Lack of Direction • Career and Life Focus • Learning and Processing Differences/Difficulties • ADD/ADHD • Developing Leadership Skills • Difficulty with 'non-normal' Phenomena and Experiences • Awakening and Strengthening Your Intuition • Discovering, Developing, and Living Your Unique Gifts
The Dalian Method brings an advanced paradigm to the fields of medicine, psychology, self-development, healing, and spiritual awakening.
Who created the Dalian Method™?
The Dalian Method (DM) was created by the living enlightened master Mada Eliza Dalian. Mada was born with the unique gift of hearing the hidden thoughts and beliefs in people's energy.
Mada spent years learning how to use this gift to compassionately benefit others and this lead her to create the Dalian Method. She continued to improve and refine the method in her private practice and in 2014 she published the self-healing version; the Healing the Body & Awakening Consciousness with the Dalian Method™ home study kit.
The following year she opened the training program for Dalian Method facilitators.
Self-help abbreviated versions for young adults, teens, and children are currently being created (private sessions with Mada or a trained facilitator are available for youth).
Where do I start?
The best way to learn about the Dalian Method is to experience it for yourself.
3 basic ways to start:
1.) Purchase the self-help version of the Dalian Method and use it as a Home Practice.
Find Answers to Your Questions. This abbreviation version is a 17-minute audio guided process and can be done by adults, teens, and preteens.
More abbreviated versions will be released in 2023, including versions specifically for children, teens, and young adults.
2.) Work directly with Mada Dalian A priceless opportunity to work with the creator of the Dalian Method and a living enlightened Master. She offers workshops, online classes, private sessions. Highly recommended!
Contact Leela if you are looking for a specific type of facilitator (ex: someone who speaks your language, or is closer to you).
Leela is happy to answer your questions about these options or provide a short consultation.
"I've done years of psychotherapy & have found this method takes you further by releasing the repressed thoughts" ~ Roz, British Columbia
"I recently had the pleasure to experience the Dalian Method when I signed up for a session with Leela Haris. I’d never heard of this method and had no idea what to expect. I walked away from that session greatly impressed by what I had just experienced! I’ve worked in many different modalities in the search of uncovering my unconscious issues so that they can be brought to the light of day and healed. Often times, it’s the things we’re not aware of that have the greatest influence on our lives and because we’re not even aware of them, they are the most difficult to address.
With Leela and her use of the Dalian Method, I was surprised at how easily we were able to identify and address (at least to some degree) issues that had lain hidden within me for decades. I was equally surprised at the amount of ground we covered in just one session and that I was given several take away items and exercises to work on at home. I will definitely be working with Leela again and I look forward to continuing my experience with the Dalian Method, I cannot recommend her highly enough."