I'm a wild horse.
I run at my own pace. I don't wait on others to catch up. I don't try to keep with others that are faster than me. I love my freedom. I also love crossing paths with other wild ones. I'm sensitive to others' energy. If someone is a kind spirit I am glad to help them. If someone is caring and I can learn something from them, I don't mind being trained and being obedient. If I feel restricted or disrespected I will break free and run away. Any other wild horses here?
I was diagnosed as Borderline Bipolar in my late twenties. Years later through my inner healing process, I began to experience something; My Center I discovered that this center, this place inside me, when I connected to it, I was connected to something that stayed unchanged and unaffected throughout all my changing moods, energies, and states.
If you are meant to speak up but stay silent, you will experience inner noise and unrest.
If you are meant to be silent but make yourself speak, you will drain your energy. Let expression and silence be the natural dance partners that they are. The dance they dance is unpredictable and astonishing. |
Author: Leela Haris ~ Intuition
August 2024