SELF-SABOTAGE a 2-hour experience to shift your consciousness • A more joyful, compassionate & sustainable approach (by not using control, force, or even willpower). • Directly transform self-sabotaging thoughts & emotions. • Move forward, explore, and step into all that you are - regardless of perceived imperfections.
If you often struggle with yourself to overcome and to improve, Leela will present a different approach intended to help you come out of struggling, judgment, and worrying. Learn to view self-sabotage as an opportunity to deepen and shift your consciousness. A group Dalian Method session will support transformation of self-sabotaging thoughts and emotions and connect you to your inner consciousness. The resulting shift in consciousness will guide you on how to move forward.
**The Dalian Method (DM) is a ground-breaking & life-changing guided process that involves expression of thoughts & a breathing technique. It was created by Mada Dalian and can be done with a trained facilitator such as Leela or purchased to use on your own.**
PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR PARTICIPANTS: Make a list of all the self-sabotaging patterns you struggle with. Pick one from your list that you want to focus on during this workshop. Bring your chosen pattern and your entire list with you. (don't be afraid to be honest, we are all human facing the challenges of living on this planet)
INFORMATION FOR VENUE: COST: $20 to $30 per person (cost per person depends on space rental cost / registration maximum is 10 ppl to ensure each person receives adequate support) WORKSHOP LENGTH: 2 Hours REGISTRATION: Leela can provide registration link and handle payments if needed. NOISE LEVEL: Medium. EQUIPMENT NEEDS: 11 Chairs and Two 4' long tables (or larger). SPACE NEEDS: Enclosed private area. No interruptions/outside intrusions during workshop (to provide safe space for participants). Large enough so 10 people can spread out and move around freely. PROMOTION BY LEELA: Email list / Facebook event and sharing / Instagram / Flyers may be posted at various sites in Kansas City and shared at Leela's speaking events.
“Each person comes into this world with a specific destiny. (S)he has something to fulfill, some message has to be delivered, some work has to be completed. You are not here accidentally. You are here meaningfully. There is a purpose behind you. The whole intends to do something through you." OSHO